Peddlers Gin Co Shanghai Gin 750ml
Peddlers Gin Co Shanghai Gin 750ml
China's first craft gin made for discerning & adventurous drinkers, inspired by Shanghai, the hustle and bustle charm of the world’s biggest trading port. Founded by three Kiwis who spent 5 years in the country with a master distiller, testing and perfecting their recipe for a Gin that would truly encompass all the beautiful facets of China and deliver a truly exotic experience.
Awarded the DMBA China Bartender Brand of the Year, Bronze at the San Fran World Spirits Awards, and Gold at the CWSA, it looks like they did just that!
A gold medal winning recipe of eleven rare botanicals, including Buddha’s hand, Sichuan pepper and lotus flower, captured at their purest.
Peddlers offers a distinctive yet perfectly balanced recipe, made with ingredients from all over China, creating a truly unique Chinese Gin.
It is so smooth and fragrant, with exotic spices that takes you on an unforgettable journey to Asia.